日本時間の昨夜、米国労働省から4月の米国雇用統計が公表されています。冬季の異常気象や西海岸港湾の労使紛争の影響などから、1-3月期の米国経済はややスローダウンした印象を受けていますが、4月の雇用統計は再び改善を示し、非農業部門雇用者数の増加は+223千人に上り、失業率も5.4%と前月から改善を示しています。まず、New York Times のサイトから記事を最初の7パラだけ引用すると以下の通りです。
U.S. Economy Added 223,000 Jobs in April; Unemployment Rate at 5.4%
The American job market rebounded in April, the government said on Friday, helping to ease worries that the economy was on the brink of another extended slowdown after a bleak winter in which the overall economy stalled. But the growth in jobs failed to translate, once again, into any significant improvement in pay.
Employers added 223,000 positions last month, the Labor Department reported, and the unemployment rate decreased to 5.4 percent, a turnaround from the disappointing performance in March, initially reported as a modest 126,000 gain and then revised down on Friday to 85,000.
"We expected a rebound following the numbers in March and we got it, but not much more," said Guy Berger, United States economist at RBS. "Wage growth is still the missing piece."
Indeed, before Friday's report, some economists were estimating that average hourly earnings might rise 0.2 percent or more in April, signaling an upswing from the slow pace of wage gains since the end of the recession.
But average hourly earnings rose only 0.1 percent in April, producing a 2.2 percent annual gain. That modest showing suggests that any meaningful wage gains for most workers are still delayed, despite the steadily falling unemployment rate.
The absence of wage pressure suggests that the Federal Reserve will not be in a rush to take its long-awaited first step in raising short-term interest rates, which have been near zero since late 2008.
Many experts once expected the Fed to move in June, but the consensus has recently shifted to September or beyond as the probable beginning of any gradual tightening effort by the central bank.


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