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2019年8月 2日 (金)


日本時間の今夜、米国労働省から7月の米国雇用統計が公表されています。非農業雇用者数は前月統計から+164千人増と貿易摩擦などでやや伸びは鈍ったものの、まずまず堅調な推移を見せた一方で、失業率は先月と同じ3.7%という半世紀ぶりの低い水準を記録しています。いずれも季節調整済みの系列です。まず、USA Today のサイトから記事を最初の8パラを引用すると以下の通りです。

Employers added solid 164,000 jobs in July, underscoring sturdy economy
U.S. job growth was solid for a second straight month in July as employers added 164,000 jobs, further allaying recession worries and doing little to bolster the Federal Reserve's case for another interest rate cut next month.
The unemployment rate was unchanged at 3.7%, just above a 50-year low, the Labor Department said Friday.
Economists expected 165,000 job gains, according to a Bloomberg survey.
Mildly disappointing: Payroll gains for May and June combined were revised down by a total 41,000. May's additions were revised from 72,000 to 62,000, and June's, from 224,000 to 193,000.
Hiring has slowed this year to an average monthly pace of 165,000 from 223,000 in 2018, but that's still a solid performance and more than enough to keep lowering the jobless rate. Economists largely blame the downshift on fading effects of federal tax cuts and spending increases, the sluggish global economy and President Trump's trade war with China, which has damped business confidence and investment. Also, the low unemployment rate means employers have a harder time finding available workers.
The increase was close to expectations while the unemployment rate was unchanged from 3.7 percent in June.
The upshot is that consumer spending - which makes up 70% of the economy - is healthy and jobs in service industries such as health care and professional services continue to grow smartly. But manufacturing payrolls, which depend more on sales abroad, largely have been stagnant.
The Fed lowered its key interest rate this week for the first time in more than a decade because policymakers worry the global troubles, lackluster business spending and stubbornly low inflation eventually could derail the record 10-year-old economic expansion. Another cut could be on the way as soon as September if those risks combine with an escalating trade war and weakening labor market.







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