今夜、米国労働省から11月の米国雇用統計が公表されています。新型コロナウィルス(COVID-19)の影響から、非農業雇用者数は4月の大幅減の後、5月統計からはリバウンドして11月にも+245千人増を記録しています。同じく、失業率も一気に悪化した4月からのリバウンドが続き、6.7%に改善しています。でも、まだ、COVID-19前の昨年2019年11~12月や今年2020年2月には3.5%だったわけですから、それらと比べるとまだ2倍近いの水準であることも確かです。いずれも季節調整済みの系列です。まず、やや長くなりますが、USA Today のサイトから統計を報じる記事を最初の9パラだけ引用すると以下の通りです。
Economy adds 245,000 jobs in November as unemployment dips to 6.7% while COVID-19 rages across country
U.S. employers added a disappointing 245,000 jobs in November amid a surge in COVID-19 cases and more state business constraints as well as the looming halt of extended jobless benefits and other federal lifelines for millions of Americans.
The unemployment rate fell from 6.9% to 6.7%, the Labor Department said Friday.
Economists surveyed by Bloomberg had estimated that 486,000 jobs were added last month.
Job gain have slowed for five straight months since peaking at 4.8 million in June. The nation has recovered slightly more than half of the 22 million jobs wiped out in the health crisis as states have reopened restaurants, shops and other businesses shuttered by the outbreak, and brought back many furloughed workers.
But the rehiring has been offset by a resurgent virus across most of the country. This week, the nation's one-day death toll passed 3,000 and hospitalizations topped 100,000, both unprecedented nadirs in the crisis. California announced a new stay-at-home order Thursday and states such as Illinois, Michigan and Louisiana have imposed new restrictions on restaurants, gyms and other outlets.
The number of businesses open and employees working fell sharply in November, according to Homebase, which provides employee scheduling software.
Partly as a result, clawing back the remaining jobs shed during the outbreak could take several years, economists say. More temporary job losses are becoming permanent. Many businesses are downsizing or closing for good. Sectors such as business travel and event planning could be diminished for years to come.
Last month, the number of Americans on temporary layoff fell by 441,000 million to 2.8 million as furloughed workers were rehired. About a quarter of unemployed workers said they were on temporary layoff, down from a third the previous month.
The ranks of workers permanently laid roughly held steady at 3.7 million.

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