« 2か月連続で下降した12月統計の景気動向指数をどう見るか? | トップページ | 先週の読書は経済書や教養書中心に計6冊!!! »

2021年2月 6日 (土)


日本時間の昨夜、米国労働省から1月の米国雇用統計が公表されています。新型コロナウィルス(COVID-19)の影響から、非農業雇用者数は昨年2020年4月の大幅減の後、5月統計からはリバウンドしていましたが、感染拡大を受けて昨年2020年12月には減少に転じ、今年2021年1月もわずかに+49千人増にとどまりました。失業率も一気に悪化した昨年2020年4月からのリバウンドが続ていたところ、昨年2020年12月は前月と同じく横ばいの6.7%だったものの、今年2021年1月には6.3%に低下しました。いずれにせよ、COVID-19前の昨年2019年11~12月や今年2020年2月には失業率は3.5%だったわけですから、それらと比べるとまだかなり高い水準であることも確かです。いずれも季節調整済みの系列です。まず、やや長くなりますが、USA Today のサイトから統計を報じる記事を最初の8パラだけ引用すると以下の通りです。

Economy added 49,000 jobs in January amid COVID-19 surges as unemployment fell sharply to 6.3%
The U.S. economy added a modest 49,000 jobs in January as COVID-19 surges persisted but related business restrictions eased somewhat, kicking off a year that's expected to bring a pickup in hiring as more Americans are vaccinated.
The unemployment rate, which is calculated from a different survey, fell from 6.7% to 6.3%, mostly because of a big drop in the number of Americans working or looking for jobs, the Labor Department said Friday.
Economists surveyed by Bloomberg had estimated that 70,000 jobs were added last month.
Also disappointing: Total job gains for November and December were revised down by 159,000.
The lackluster report comes as President Joe Biden and congressional Democrats look to move quickly on a $1.9 trillion stimulus aimed at easing the economic pain Americans are suffering as a result of the pandemic. Early Friday, the Senate approved a budget resolution that will pave the way for the chamber to take up Biden's American Rescue Plan without the threat of a GOP filibuster.
The economy, meanwhile, resumed adding jobs last month after cutting positions in December for the first time since the depths of the pandemic in April. The nation has recovered more than half the 22.2 million jobs wiped out in the health crisis as restaurants, shops and other businesses shut down by the outbreak were allowed to reopen, and the outlets brought back many furloughed workers.
But the rehiring has been interrupted by a virus that has been spiking across most of the country this winter, triggering renewed restrictions on businesses, fewer visits by consumers and hundreds of thousands of layoffs. While many industries have stepped up hiring, restaurants, hotels and arts and entertainment venues have cut hundreds of thousands of jobs in recent months. Total U.S. payrolls are still about 10 million below their pre-pandemic level.
In January, the number of Americans on temporary layoff fell by 293,000 as restaurants, shops and businesses recalled some workers. About 27% of unemployed workers said they were on temporary layoff, down from 28% the previous month. That means many workers could still be brought back to their old jobs.





« 2か月連続で下降した12月統計の景気動向指数をどう見るか? | トップページ | 先週の読書は経済書や教養書中心に計6冊!!! »




« 2か月連続で下降した12月統計の景気動向指数をどう見るか? | トップページ | 先週の読書は経済書や教養書中心に計6冊!!! »