日本時間の今夜、米国労働省から4月の米国雇用統計が公表されています。非農業雇用者数の前月差は今年2021年に入って着実にプラスを記録しているものの、本日公表の4月統計では+266千人増にとどまってしまいました。失業率は前月の6.0%から4月には6.1%にわずかに上昇しています。まず、長くなりますが、USA Tooday のサイトから統計のヘッドラインを報じる記事を最初の12パラだけ引用すると以下の通りです。
Economy added just 266K jobs in April, unemployment rose to 6.1% even as states eased restrictions, vaccinations rose
Employers added a disappointing 266,000 jobs in April even as the number of new COVID-19 cases stayed low, more states lifted constraints and vaccinations accelerated.
The gains fell well short of projections in a recovery that's expected to gather force through the summer, with a million or more jobs added each month.
The unemployment rate rose from 6% to 6.1% as a large increase in the labor force -- the number of Americans working or looking for jobs -- more than offset solid employment gains, the Labor Department said Friday.
Economists had estimated that 995,000 jobs were added last month, according to a Bloomberg survey. Instead, gains for February and March were revised down by a total 78,000, with March's blockbuster 916,000 additions downgraded to 770,000.
Leisure and hospitality, which includes restaurants and bars -- the industry hit hardest by payroll losses -- continued to recover, adding 331,000 jobs. But other sectors had weak showings. Professional and business services lost 79,000 jobs as staffing agencies cut 111,000 positions. Transportation and warehousing, which boomed as Americans largely stayed home during the pandemic, cut 74,000 jobs. Retail lost 15,000 jobs; manufacturing shed 18,000; and construction employment was unchanged after a massive gain the prior month.
The public sector added 48,000 jobs. More schools are reopening for in-person classes, bolstering employment in local public education education, which added 31,000 jobs. That's also allowing more parents to return to the workforce.
Job growth is expected to boom in coming months. Oxford Economics reckons a record 8 million or so jobs will be added this year.
New COVID cases held steady at a low level through April while increasing vaccinations led more states to lift capacity limits at restaurants and other businesses. About one-third of the U.S. population has been fully vaccinated, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That has prompted eateries and other outlets to recall more furloughed workers or ramp up hiring.
But after falling steadily throughout the health crisis, the number of Americans on temporary layoff rose by 88,000 to 2.1 million last month, suggesting some businesses continued to furlough workers even as others rehired staffers. About 21% of unemployed workers said they were on temporary layoff, largely unchanged from the previous month. That means many workers could still be brought back to their old jobs.
The ranks of Americans permanently laid off rose by 97,000 to 3.5 million and represents a longer-lasting scar for the economy.
Hiring is still expected to pick up sharply this spring and summer. States are reopening just as households are benefiting from massive income gains that have juiced spending. Americans are flush with two rounds of government stimulus checks -- totaling $2,000 for each individual - disbursed since December and enhanced unemployment benefits as part of $2.8 trillion in COVID relief.
But many employers say the jobless benefits - including a $300 federal supplement - are contributing to their biggest problem: a shortage of workers despite unemployment that remains historically high. The crunch could have been a factor in holding down April's job gains.

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