World Inequality Report 2022 に見る新型コロナウィルス感染症(COVID-19)の経済的影響やいかに?
やや旧聞に属する話題かもしれませんが、先週12月7日に World Inequality Database (WID) から World Inequality Report 2022 が明らかにされています。もちろん、pdfの全文リポートもアップされています。なお、この研究所は『21世紀の資本』で著名なピケティ教授が同僚研究者のサエズ教授らととも共同所長を務めています。この研究所のサイトから Key Messages を5点引用すると以下の通りです。
Key Messages
- MENA (Middle East and North Africa) is the most unequal region in the world, Europe has the lowest inequality levels.
- Nations have become richer, but governments have become poor, when we take a look at the gap between the net wealth of governments and net wealth of the private and public sectors.
- Wealth inequalities have increased at the very top of the distribution. The rise in private wealth has also been unequal within countries and at the world level. Global multimillionaires have captured a disproportionate share of global wealth growth over the past several decades: the top 1% took 38% of all additional wealth accumulated since the mid-1990s, whereas the bottom 50% captured just 2% of it.
- Gender inequalities remain considerable at the global level, and progress within countries is too slow.
- Ecological inequality: our data shows that these inequalities are not just a rich vs. poor country issue, but rather a high emitters vs low emitters issue within all countries.
200ページを遥かに超える膨大なリポートであり、しかも、英仏語で書かれていて、とてもすべてに目を通せるわけではない上に、上の Key Messages でも明らかなように、経済学的な所得や資産の不平等だけではなく、男女間不平等や環境格差なども含まれています。とても、私の手には負えませんので、リポートからひとつだけグラフを引用して簡単に取り上げておきたいと思います。P.16にある The share of wealth owned by the global top 0.01% and billionaires, 1995-2021 です。
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