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2023年10月18日 (水)




How, when, and why did women in the US obtain legal rights equal to men's regarding the workplace, marriage, family, Social Security, criminal justice, credit markets, and other parts of the economy and society, decades after they gained the right to vote? The story begins with the civil rights movement and the somewhat fortuitous nature of the early and key women's rights legislation. The women's movement formed and pressed for further rights. Of the 155 critical moments in women's rights history I've compiled from 1905 to 2023, 45% occurred between 1963 and 1973. The greatly increased employment of women, the formation of women's rights associations, the belief that women's votes mattered, and the unstinting efforts of various members of Congress were behind the advances. But women soon became splintered by marital status, employment, region, and religion far more than men. A substantial group of women emerged in the 1970s to oppose various rights for women, just as they did during the suffrage movement. They remain a potent force today.

興味深いのは、1905年から2023年までを取りまとめた女性の権利の歴史における155の重大な出来事のうち、45%は1963年から1973年の間に起きている "Of the 155 critical moments in women's rights history I've compiled from 1905 to 2023, 45% occurred between 1963 and 1973." という指摘です。論文 p.48 から Figure 2: Chronology of Critical Moments in US Women's Rights History: 1908 to 2023 を引用すると以下の通りです。


この時期に多くの画期的な成果が上げられた点については、論文を詳しく読むべきなのでしょうが、私の専門外でマイクロな労働経済学や政治学の分野ですので、この論文でも指摘されている重要な法律の成果を上げておきたいと思います。すなわち、1963年の同一賃金法 Equal Pay Act (EPA)、そしてもうひとつは、1964年の公民権法第7編 Title VII of the Civil Rights Act なのですが、はい、申し訳ありませんが、私には判りません。ということで、ノーベル経済学賞に関連して、ややミーハーに取り上げておきます。


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« 国際通貨基金(IMF)の地域見通しアジア編やいかに? | トップページ | 黒字を計上した9月の貿易統計をどう見るか? »