How smartphone usage affects well-being and learning among children and adolescents is a concern for schools, parents, and policymakers. Combining detailed administrative data with survey data on middle schools' smartphone policies, together with an eventstudy design, I show that banning smartphones significantly decreases the health care take-up for psychological symptoms and diseases among girls. Post-ban bullying among both genders decreases. Additionally, girls' GPA improves, and their likelihood of attending an academic high school track increases. These effects are larger for girls from low socio-economic backgrounds. Hence, banning smartphones from school could be a low-cost policy tool to improve student outcomes.
Abstractとやや重複しますが、pp.2-3で "I present five key findings" として、以下の5点を上げています。
- reduces the number of consultations for psychological symptoms and diseases at specialist care ... In addition, girls have fewer consultations with their GP due to issues related to psychological symptoms and diseases
精神症状や病気による医師の診察が大幅に減少 ... 特に女子 - lowers the incidence of bullying for both girls and boys
男女双方でのいじめの減少 - girls exposed to a smartphone ban from the start of middle school make gains in GPA
no effect on the boys' mental health
(しかし)男子のメンタルヘルスやGPAスコアへの影響は見られない - health care take-up for psychological symptoms and diseases, GPA, teacher-awarded grades, and the probability of attending an academic high school track is larger for girls from low socioeconomic backgrounds.
精神的症状や病気に対する医療の負担、GPAスコア、成績評価、高校進学の可能性は、社会経済的背景に恵まれない女子の方が高い - the effect on grades, GPA, and test scores is largest among girls attending middle schools that ban students from bringing their phones to school or schools where students must hand their phones in before classes start.
ある意味では、男子よりも女子のほうがスマホの悪影響を受けていて、さらに、社会経済的背景が恵まれないケースではスマホの悪影響が強まる、ということなのだろうと思います。最後に、少し判りにくいかもしれませんが、論文 p.38 から Figure 6: Effect of Smartphone Ban on GPA, Test Scores and Likelihood of Attending an Academic High School Track by Gender を引用すると以下の通りです。日本でのスマホ禁止は今後進むのでしょうか?
投稿: kincyan | 2024年5月 9日 (木) 16時31分
投稿: ポケモンおとうさん | 2024年5月10日 (金) 17時06分