日本時間の今夜、米国労働省から6月の米国雇用統計が公表されています。非農業雇用者数の前月差は昨年2021年から着実にプラスを記録していましたが、直近の6月統計では+206千人増となり、失業率は前月から+0.1%ポイント上昇して4.1%を記録しています。まず、USA Today のサイトから統計のヘッドラインを報じる記事をやや長めに8パラ引用すると以下の通りです。
Jobs report today: Economy added 206,000 jobs in June, unemployment at 4.1%
U.S. employers added 206,000 jobs in June as hiring held steady despite persistent inflation and high interest rates.
But the employment picture was mixed at best as job gains for April and May were revised down by a hefty 111,000 and the private sector added a disappointing 136,000 jobs.
Also, the unemployment rate, which is calculated from a separate survey of households, rose from 4% to 4.1%, the highest since November 2021, the Labor Department said Friday. The increase was triggered by an encouraging rise in the labor force - the pool of people working and hunting for jobs - that outstripped the number that landed positions.
Economists surveyed by Bloomberg had estimated that 195,000 jobs were added last month, so job creation modestly beat estimates.
But the job market in the spring was decidedly less buoyant that believed. Payroll gains were revised down from 165,000 to 108,000 in April and from 272,000 to 218,000 in May.
Broadly, economists say, the report could bolster the case for the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates as early as September.
Average hourly pay rose 10 cents to $35, pushing down the yearly increase to 3.9%, the lowest since June 2021.
Wage growth generally has slowed as pandemic-related worker shortages have eased, but it's still above the 3.5% pace that's in line with the Federal Reserve's 2% inflation goal.

ということで、米国の雇用は非農業部門雇用者の増加が、ひとつの目安とされる+200千人程度に落ち着きました。引用した記事の4パラ目にあるように、Bloombergによる市場の事前コンセンサスでは+195千人という見方でしたので、記事でも "modestly beat estimates" 「予想をわずかに上回る」と表現しています。失業率も4%程度とまだまだ低いとはいえ、先月5月統計より上昇していることも確かです。加えて、これも引用した記事の5パラ目にあるように、直前4月と5月の統計における非農業部門雇用者の増加幅も、それぞれ△50千人ほど下方修正されています。過熱感の強かった米国の雇用統計もようやく落ち着いてきたように見えます。

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