- Klein, Alexander and Christopher M. Meissner (2024) "Did Tariffs Make American Manufacturing Great? New Evidence from the Gilded Age," NBER Working Paper 33100, November 2024
- Kahn, Matthew E., Wen-Chi Liao and Siqi Zheng (2024) "How the US-China Trade War Accelerated Urban Economic Growth and Environmental Progress in Northern Vietnam," NBER Working Paper 33126, November 2024
ABSTRACT (Tariffs)
We study the relationship between tariffs and labor productivity in US manufacturing between 1870 and 1909. Using highly dis-aggregated tariff data, state-industry data for the manufacturing sector, and an instrumental variable strategy, results show that tariffs reduced labor productivity. Tariffs also generally reduced the average size of establishments within an industry but raised output prices, value-added, gross output, employment, and the number of establishments. We also find evidence of heterogeneity in the association between tariffs and value added, gross output, employment, and establishments across groups of industries. We conclude that tariffs may have reduced labor productivity in manufacturing by weakening import competition and by inducing entry of smaller, less productive domestic firms. Our research also reveals that lobbying by powerful and productive industries may have been at play. The era's high tariffs are unlikely to have helped the US become a globally competitive manufacturer.
ABSTRACT (Trade War)
The Trump Administration's tariffs created a wedge between mutually beneficial trades between China's producers and U.S. consumers. Moving production to nearby Vietnam allows firms to jump the tariff wall. Within Vietnam, cities closer to China with respect to distance and industrial mix grow faster and attract more FDI. They are increasingly consuming renewable power to fuel their local economy. We study the local air quality gains and the carbon dioxide emissions reductions associated with the growth in regional trade. China's regional trade increases have important implications for the rise of the system of cities across Asia.
上に引用情報を示した最初の論文 "Did Tariffs Make American Manufacturing Great? New Evidence from the Gilded Age" は、米国が高関税国であった1870年から1909年までのデータを基にして、高関税が労働生産性の低下をもたらした点を実証しています。当然ながら、高関税は輸入品との競争圧力を弱め、同時に、小規模で生産性の低い国内企業の参入を誘発し、製造業の生産性を低下させた可能性があると結論しています。したがって、その当時の高関税が米国製造業の競争力の向上につながった可能性は低い、という結論になります。産業構造が大きく変化しているとはいえ、21世紀の現在でも基本的には同様の結論が導かれる可能性が高い、と私は考えています。ということで、この論文 "Did Tariffs Make American Manufacturing Great? New Evidence from the Gilded Age" から p.53 Figure 8: Non-parametric Estimates of the Relationship between the Main Variables of Interest and the Average Tariff in SIC 37: Transportation Equipment, 1880-1909 を引用すると以下の通りです。
注の4行目にあるように、より幅広い SIC 2-digit category の中の SIC 3-digit level の産業である transportation equipment を取っています。なお、このグラフの前の Figure 6 と Figure 7 も同様のグラフが示されていて、Figure 6 は paper, and printing and publishing、Figure 7 は chemicals, and petroleum and coal の産業となっています。Figure 7 では雇用=Employment こそ増加させていますが、生産性は低下している点はほかのグラフを同じです。
次の論文 "How the US-China Trade War Accelerated Urban Economic Growth and Environmental Progress in Northern Vietnam" からはグラフなどの引用はしませんが、中国製品への高関税の当然の帰結として、ベトナムなどが「漁夫の利」を得る、という結論が得られています。加えて、ABSTRACTにもあるように、距離と産業構成が中国に近いベトナム国内の都市では再生可能エネルギー消費が増加し、二酸化炭素排出が減少するといった効果もあるようです。
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